Monday, February 24, 2020

Making Monsters Different - An Example Of Invisibility

Different invisibility/blinking mechanic that I've used, instead of just a modifier to hit roll

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons presents a great many monsters who can have some really cool effects, but at the end, a lot of those effects get folded into simple "reduce to-hit by x" and it's done. Players know that the creature will be harder to hit, but that's it...

What if we made took this idea of an invisible/shadowy monster that's hard to hit, but rewards players who use tactics to overcome it's special ability?

In simple, what I'm proposing is doing away with the straight -4 penalty for hitting invisible/shadowy figures. Creatures get two ACs - one when they're "invisible" and the second when their location has been pinpointed. Let's take a shadow as our example - they'll have AC2 when invisible, AC7 when PCs know where it's at.

At first, invisibility is just that, it can't be seen. In the case of the shadow, depending on light, I might rule, depending on what players are doing, that they catch glimpses of "something wrong" in the direction they're looking, if they're looking at the shadow. Or they catch glimpses of movement, but nothing is there.

So the PCs would be groping around and striking out. As the DM, I'm keeping track of where the creature is at. I will let the PCs roll to hit, but for those that aren't within melee range of the creature, they "miss" and will do so automatically, but I don't tell them any different. Just that they missed.

For PCs that are within melee range, they are rolling to hit against the harder AC, so in this case vs. AC2 for the shadow. They hit!

Now the PCs have an idea of where this thing is. As long as the PCs are within melee range of the creature, it can be pinpointed and it's AC drops down to 7. So life is good, right? Well, not necessarily.

Let's say all the PCs miss in combat - I'm going to rule that they've no longer pinpointed the creature and now its AC is back up to AC2! It's managed to avoid being hit and seen, so it has a chance to slip away again! At this point, since they've not pinpointed it, it could even flee without penalty, though the PCs could hit vs. AC2.

So why would I do this? To me, an approach like this makes fighting an invisible creature more interactive, more mysterious and potentially more exciting. Rather than a boring -4 to hit, this allows the PCs to use circling and trapping tactics. If the PCs did circle the creature while it was pinpointed, then I would not allow it to slip away. It might go back to the AC2, but it's surrounded - nowhere to run!

This also requires a bit more interactivity with the players. They can just attack the darkness, but I as DM know where this thing is. If they're within melee range, I describe an effect (shifting shadows, distortions in the light) that lefts them know they're close. Attacking blindly? Not seeing the effect.

Once they hit, then they see blood/wounds/effects which allows them and others to hit better. The creature is obviously trying to get back to being hidden! So... if everyone misses that round, they're not able to see it as well, and next round it may slip away!

These are the kinds of small things I like to add to make the game more interesting. The players don't need to know the mechanics in shifts in AC (unless they ask), but they do see the effects. I find doing things like this makes monsters... mysterious. Unpredictable.

I've also earned the players' trust that I'm fair and always give them a path to success while also giving them an obstacle to overcome. Tactics helps with this type of monster (one person hits, rest form a kill box. Now it's trapped....)

Also, I'm using Descending AC, but you can modify Ascending AC in similar fashion, going from hard to hit, to easy to hit, once the creature is pinpointed.

What do you think? Do you use certain effects and different takes on mechanics to achieve an effect that makes the monsters more interesting?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Battlefield V - Review | Pro-GamersArena

Battlefield V - Review:

Battlefield V's (It's not Battlefield Vietnam which was released back in 2004) road to release hasn't actually been smooth, nor typical of an EA product. And to be honest, I didn't expected going in that playing Battlefield V's multiplayer would feel so much amazing and satisfying as Battlefield V doesn't feel like a complete experience at the launch. Battlefield V creates the impression that there's a sizeable number of modes and significant bug fixes still to be delivered. In this article, you're gonna hear from us about the Battlefield V Review. 

Quick Facts:

  • Initial release date: 15 November 2018
  • First released: 20 November 2018
  • Engine: Frostbite
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

Straight away, it worth focusing on that while Battlefield V is set during WWII, it doesn't feel outdated. Mechanically speaking, it's the absolute best-feeling Battlefield in quite a while. These short stories plan to tell the stories behind the soldiers that battled in the two world wars, with Battlefield V's selection highlighting some of the more dark records of World War 2. The three being referred to bring a profound jump into the British Special Boat Section, the Norwegian resistance during the German occupation, and the efforts of black West African soldiers in their offer to overthrow the Nazi reign in France. Additionally: for better and for more worse, the game doesn't retread familiar. ground. It spins around the period's lesser-known stories and settings, which can be at the same time reviving and a bit of disappointing, particularly for 1942 fans.

Over the majority of its current multiplayer modes, Battlefield V's default mechanics step toward the hardcore. Health recovery is limited, The time to execute is reduced, and the spotting system is almost entirely removed. And keeping in mind that a portion of these changes feel like a Band-Aid being ripped off, Battlefield V is a superior shooter as a result of them. All things considered, the revisions are more thoughtful than essentially adopting the majority of the hardcore rules. And, in lieu of the whole removal of 3D spotting, just a bunch of gadgets and certain battle characteristics would now be able to put that infamous red circle over enemies heads. This change will help you remain connected with Battlefield V's stunning surroundings instead of playing the HUD. In nutshell, these changes aim to underscore teamplay, fulfilling gunplay, and immersion and every one of them find their marks.

Here's an amazing gameplay by TheRadBrad.

Also Read: Overkill's The Walking Dead - Review 

Most important of all, the gun handling is fluid. Combat feels misleadingly easy, yet it's sufficiently layered to liberally reward skillful play, thoughtful strategies, or more all, teamwork. The maps are generally magnificent and advance shifted playstyles, from the flowing fields of Arras - a moment classic - to the omnipresent, all-knowing bridge of Twisted Steel. Wonderfully, every character class is impactful and enjoyable.

The incentives for coordinating with your four-person squad are borderline coercive. Lost health no longer again recovers past a specific point without a medkit, and ammo reserves are less abundant - most weapons are sustained by just two additional magazines to begin, making a Support partner an exceptionally welcome ally.

But there are many flaws which can't be neglected and need to be fixed as soon as possible like, at launch, Battlefield V was suffering from an unusually high amount of bugs and glitches which can possibly ruin a match. We've read reports of much further issues, but we ourselves have suffered with animation glitches that make pointing from turrets an impossibility, and the act of your weapon isolating from your character meaning you can't aim properly because the butt of your rifle is in your face as opposed to the iron sights. In addition, geometry in some cases neglects to stack in, leaving a church's bell tower suspended in mid-air, while trees and rocks don't show up properly, making them look like pixelated messes. The wonderful finish, however, was the point at which the 'Return to combat area' warning inaccurately showed up on our screen, which means we were killed following eight seconds for absolutely no reason. All of these issues is in all likelihood a basic fix via a patch, but they start to add up after occurring consecutively match after match to make an experience that you can't completely depend on to be reasonable nor stable.

An amazing video showing some funny glitches in Battlefield V by IGN.

Also Read: Cyberpunk 2077 | Release date, trailer, gameplay, news and more.

Battlefield V: Maps And Modes

Battlefield V offers eight maps at launch, and I felt all the maps to be quite enjoyable. Fjell 652 happens on a high-altitude Norwegian mountain overlooking the total of the Norvik map and is liable to exceptional and atmospheric snowstorms. Twisted Steel is built around a huge bridge that serves in as both a fabulous milestone and a functional mechanism to add a straight path to the map's familiar open environment speckled with rural villages.

And coming to modes, Shorter game modes, for example, Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Frontlines make up the numbers to give a multiplayer experience that will feel exceptionally familiar to returning players. Instead of update any of its online mechanics, Battlefield V refines and makes minor enhancements to the chaotic and tremendous battlegrounds it is known for. Despite everything you'll have those great Battlefield moments as you hold out against axis forces while your ticket counter drops to an alarming number, explode a rooftop to cut the rubble down onto your opponents, or you swoop in from the air and take out a target from a plane's gunner seat. There's no enormous disclosure to reveal, rather a stunningly better Battlefield experience to find.

Battlefield V: Company Coins?

Perhaps Battlefield V's greatest takeoff from what it's known for comes as its customization and cosmetic capabilities. Your Company enables you to kit out the four classes of assault, medic, support, and recon to your correct taste, with class particular weapons for each and a preposterous measure of customization to whack to finish everything. Specializations enable you to affect the stats of a weapon, choosing four of eight unique upgrades to better your odds of survival. And in addition that, you can give it an extension and add decals in five distinct territories, and after that, each weapon has its very own level progression to work through. And afterward, there's your soldier themselves, who can be kitted out with various headgear, outfits, and face paint to truly make them look like it. It's an astronomical measure of customisation, and it's everything fuelled by the in-game currency named Company Coins. 

Earned by leveling up and finishing day by day orders, the money can be spent on cosmetic items for either your solider or skins for your weapons. This extends the visual abilities beyond basic unlocks via progression and enables you to pick what you need when you need it. There is no real way to buy Company Coins by means of microtransactions, however, EA has expressed that a different paid currency will be introduced at a later date.

Also Read: Days Gone | PS4 Release date, Gameplay

The Verdict:

Battlefield V is going to be an extraordinary game, of that we're certain, but because of various glaring omissions at launch and one an excessive number of glitches, the final product isn't there just yet. The good news is that fixes are already taking off, and with a year or a greater amount of free maps and modes on the way, Battlefield V can just show signs of improvement from here. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Barbarrossa Chain Of Command Try Out At The WHC

Just spent a thoroughly enjoyable day with Mark at the WHC. We wanted to continue exploring Chain of Command, after originally thinking that when Mark puts on a weekend there it would be in 20mm. Many advantages to this,Mark has a vast 20mm collection and a huge array of beautiful bespoke buildings..but, 20mm is very small. Less of an issue maybe when you are fielding 30 or 40+ AFVs and several hundred infantry, but even for BiG Chain of Command you are only looking at having perhaps half a dozen tanks and a hundred infantry a side. It needs to be impressive in order to attract players, and the 28mm stuff is pretty awesome....Well, we thought about this, and talked long and hard...thought some more...ummed and ahhed...and have decided to go with 28mm.
 Trouble is of course that we don't have that much stuff.
 That will change very soon!
I've got enough Germans and Soviets for a decent 1 on 1 but for a multi-player weekend with up to 12 players, with 2 x 3 a side campaign games going on simultaneously we are going to need a lot more...a lot more.
Not an issue of course, any day now a MASSIVE box of kit is expected to land on Mark's doormat! 
Meanwhile, the game;we just wanted an excuse for a duff-up really, get a look at terrain, have a think about size, time, space etc. Big Coc is going to be different but we can still learn quite a bit just from 1 on 1 games.
So we wanted to see how my 28mm kit looked on Mark's table (well, a little bit of Mark's table), and the answer we thought was pretty good!
When it comes to doing a full weekend the plan is to run 2 games of Big CoC side by side, each on a 12' x 6' table, but for today we were just using a mere 6'x 6'
Above is the view of the battlefield from the Soviet side. The bombed out sewing machine factory complex  dominates the surrounding countryside of fields. We were playing a pick up 1941 attack/defend scenario with a 4 section German infantry platoon on the attack, supported by a Panzer 38T, an MG34 MMG, and the Germans benefited from a preliminary artillery bombardment which severely hampered the deployment of the Soviets, who were defending with a big 4 section rifle platoon, supported by a 45mm ATG. Force morales were equal on a 9. There followed a tense patrol phase
 The view from the southern edge, the farm and woodland was a priority for the Germans during the patrol phase, the fields were deemed to be light cover for infantry in them if observed from the flat, but no cover from troops at higher elevations in the factory or on the rises in the NW and NE corners of the table. The fences were light cover but didn't block LOS (unless you looked through 3 of them). Mark ended with JOP tucked behind the wall in the very top of the picture, one behind the little house next to the wood, and another in the farmyard. I managed to constrict him so was fairly pleased
 a view from the German side, good approaches and JOP positions, but difficult open countryside to negotiate in order to get into the factory area
  another view from the Soviet side, 2 of my JOP's are visible 1 bottom left in the bombed out roof and another in the field next to the road and the factory. A third was just out of shot on the left in amongst the fields, but with a somewhat obscured view of the road running back to the German side
Above is the 3rd Soviet JOP with my first deployment, a section hunkering down in the wheat behind the fence line.
The second Soviet deployment, a section tucked in with views over the fields. Why I put it there, I've no idea....should have deployed into the factory, not the field. I think my original intention was to push forwards into the trees, but I never even got started. A heavy crossfire from the front and an MMG in the farm whittled them down, eventually I pulled them into the factory but they were still exposed and took terrible fire.
By having a good look at Mark's 20mm buildings,there are plenty that are perfectly good for 28mm games. Personally I've always found that a lot of 28mm WWII buildings look enormous when they get on the table, but these factory buildings are a really good size even for 28mm, as are the 20mm farm buildings in the picture below.
This MG 34 put down a heavy fire onto the section on the Soviet right
Joined by a German section in a deep ditch over-looking the fields, the 2 together put down a crossfire on the hapless Soviet section.
A 38T moves up. Ahead of it is the German section in the ditch which is on the other side of the wall.
Way off in the distance, the 38T is spotted! A 45mm ATG deploys in the southern field alongside the first rifle section plus the platoon mortar. It opened up, missed and continued pumping shells at the tank. On the 3rd attempt it immobilised it, but the tank kept firing. Finally the 45mm fired and rolled a double 6 to hit! Weak spot! resulting in a KO. The tank didn't explode but it was silenced permanently.
The other section is being whittled down by fire from the ditch and the MMG
eventually it gets the message and retires into the adjacent building.....where it should have been in the first place!
German section moves up through the wood to engage the section in the southern field.
Behind the section, is the JOP and the platoon mortar giving occasional supporting fire
The 38T burns in the road after its exchange with the ATG
Having reached the edge of the woods the German section trades fire with the Russians, and starts  to come off worst. Another section is sent out to reinforce..eventually this gives the Germans  the upper hand.
The section in the ditch continues to lay down fire on the section the factory, which ended the game with a single LMG gunner and its corporal!
Casualties mount in the wood, but the Germans hold firm
A third Russian section is deployed out on the right and attempts to flank right, but it is too late...
In the field the mortar and the ATG have been shot down, and the section has lost a few men..I think its time to scuttle back into the factory, by this time my FM was down to 3, and was going to get worse - the Germans were still on 5 or 6. I threw in the towel.
A fun game, even though it degenerated into a firefight which the Soviets lost. They gave a lot back, but the Germans were more flexible, took the lumps on their core sections rather than having a lot of support teams completely wiped out which hurt the Soviet FM.
The big problem was that my plan was utter rubbish. I just shouldn't have done what I did. I had a fabulous defensive position, high buildings overlooking open fields! So what do I do? try and push out of them....(FFS!) Idiocy!
My reasoning (poor as it was) was influenced by falling into the CoC "psychological tank trap". I became obsessed by the idea of getting the ATG out where it could cover the road any German armour would need to approach from. Subsequently I had to commit to protect it, more and more kit gets sucked in....etc.
There was absolutely no need fro me to do this! I Should have just hunkered down in the factory. Not bought much on at all, rattled through the phases (which would speed up the turn end and finish the barrage), and I could have got some CoC die. Meanwhile the Germans would have to come on and eventually get caught in the open in the fields. But no....Really stupid play on my part. Meanwhile Mark cheerfully shot me to bits! (but he did it very nicely, and, most important of all, we had a great time! 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Brute, Short Film, Review And Interview

The synopsis covers what the Brute is about. The symbolism of how nature reflects the individual's perception of reality gives the story another level.

Brute was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Fantastic Short.

Synopsis: A young mother and her son flee an abusive husband in the middle of the night only to find themselves trapped in their car in a field with a homicidal bull.

The director, Brian Folan, shares how true life stories influenced his film. He also shares what he likes to do and what got him started in film making.

What was the inspiration for Brute?

The film was inspired by two true stories that overlapped each other. The first was the story of how my uncle was attacked by an absolutely massive bull and his account of the attack. The most frightening part was that when he finally managed to get free from the bull he jumped into a drainage ditch and the bull stalked up and down waiting for him to come out.

The second story that makes up the inspiration for Brute comes from a friend of mine who broke free from an unhealthy relationship and how she used it to completely change her life. Both are stories of the power that people discover when the chips are down.

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

Brute has been getting a great response from audiences, so I'm really stoked about developing it into a feature. It's something that I'm really enjoying watch come to life.

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

Way back in school we had the chance to try film making as teenagers and I loved it, we made an anti-drugs film which was awful, think Refer Madness but without a budget, but it didn't matter, I loved how everything came together. It was edited using VHS tape to tape and the camera weighed a ton and ran on diesel. Throwing us kids into that really demystified it to me and from there I was like "I think this is me."

What would be your dream project?

Monster movie! I really liked 80s horror and fantasy. John Carpenter, John Landis, and Wes Craven are all directors that I really admire from that time and I think that they made really bold films that have such an influence today. So, for my dream project would be to bring something new to the horror genre in the same way they did.

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

I have two daughters, so I don't have pastimes anymore. But when I do get the time I write. I try to write something every day regardless if its good or not. We're quite close to the mountains here in Poland so I've been hauling ass over them a lot lately. Also drinking, not sure if that qualifies.

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

I really loved Jaws. It's such a great monster movie. I watched it through my mother's fingers as a child and then I got it on VHS. I watched it so much that the color completely faded, and it looked like it was all set at night. Everything about that movie is right. The dialogue is great, the characters are so well formed, or in Quint's case deformed and what a monster, not just the shark but the deceptive dark calm of the water that it swims in and how defenseless we are in his world. Wish I could see it for the first time again.

You can find out more about Brute on IMDb (link).

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Son Goku (Japanese: 孫 悟空(そん ごくう) Hepburn: Son Gokū) is a fictional character and main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong, a maincharacter in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West.
Initially believed to have been born on Earth, Goku later learns that he is a member of an extraterrestrial warrior race called the Saiyans, which is also the reason for his superhuman strength, and his birth name is Kakarot (カカロット Kakarotto). As Goku grows up, he becomes the Earth's mightiest warrior and protects his adopted home planet from those who seek to harm it. Goku is depicted as carefree and cheerful when at ease, but quickly serious and strategic-minded when in battle and also enthusiastic to fight. He is able to concentrate his Ki and use it for devastatingly powerful energy-based attacks; the most prominent being his signature Kamehameha (かめはめ波), in which Goku launches a blue energy blast from his palms. Also pure of heart, Goku has frequently granted mercy to his enemies, which has often earned him additional allies in the process (though has also resulted in others taking advantage of his kindness), and he is one of the few who can ride the magic cloud called Kinto'un (筋斗雲, lit. "Somersault Cloud", renamed "Flying Nimbus" in Funimation's dub); which was another element adapted from Journey to the West.[2]

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Hiring: 3D Art Lead

Title: 3D Art Lead
Focus: Pipeline development, 3D modeling
Type: Full-time, permanent
Last day to apply: 8th of September 2019
Location: Sweden, applicants residing in European countries welcome

A door swings open, a dim light beckons you to come step further, pick up the dusty items, give them a long look before venturing forward, the architecture leading you ever deeper. Frictional's games are filled with intrigue and emotion, the art subtly guiding  the players. To keep up the illusion of a living world, the execution has to be consistent across the board.

This is where you come in.

What will you work on?

We are looking for an experienced 3D Art Lead to join Secret Project #2. This is a senior position, meaning you will have responsibility over foundational elements of the project. You will work closely with other team leads, such as the creative lead and art lead.

Right now Secret Project #2 is in pre-production, which means that you would find yourself working on establishing pipelines and practices for a good workflow.  On the creative side you will be working within the established style of the game – creating art, researching and documenting. The 3D art you would work on include architecture and complicated props, as well as putting everything together into functional and beautiful environments..

Once the project shifts into production, your role will involve more lead work. You will find yourself communicating with other employees and outsourcers, making sure tasks get assigned and done, and giving feedback. Alongside you will still be able to participate in creating art.

As a small team, everyone in the company has a wide variety of responsibilities as well as rights, but we consider that our strength – no day in development will look the same!

What are we looking for?

You have to be a European (EU/EEA) resident to apply. We cannot consider other applicants.

The person we're looking for is creative, self-motivated, and comfortable in a lead position. We need you to fulfill the essential requirements, but are flexible with how you have acquired your experience.

We welcome applicants regardless of background, situation, sexual orientation, religion, and similar, so don't let anything like that hold you back from applying!

Here are the essential requirements:
  • Knowledge in 3D asset creation pipelines in digital games
  • Being up to date with the latest trends in 3D art tools and techniques
  • Not being afraid to give feedback to coworkers and outsourcers
  • Substance Designer skills in creating procedural textures
  • Ability to adjust artwork based on an established art style
  • Major role in at least one released title (not as a student/intern/trainee)

And here are some more technical skills:
  • Experience with face weighted normals
  • Experience with trim sheets and tiling textures
  • Experience in Medium Poly Modeling
  • Knowledge in Modo, or willingness to learn it as a main 3D modeling tool
  • Some technical art knowledge (you will not have to create anything from scratch, but you should be able to communicate your needs to the programmers, or have suggestions such as saving performance on assets)

If you want to impress us:
  • Experience with character art and/or organic art
  • Knowledge in blendshapes
  • Knowledge in motion capture
  • Experience with scripting tools in Modo
  • Experience with Marvelous Designer
  • Experience in  setting up lighting and doing basic level set dressing
  • Love for hard sci-fi
  • Penchant for bold design

What do we offer?

We at Frictional make games, because making games is what we love. But we know that's not all there is – there's also playing games, doing sports, or spending time with loved ones. We believe that a healthy balance between work and life creates positive ripples throughout, which is why we discourage crunch.

We also offer:
  • Variety in tasks
  • Opportunities to influence your workflow and workload
  • Flexible working hours
  • Participation in internal Show & Tell sessions for both projects, meaning giving feedback to and receiving feedback from all members of the projects
  • An inclusive and respectful work environment

We welcome remote applicants from European (EU/EEA, UK) countries. However, you are welcome to join us in our office in Malmö if you live in the area, or would be willing to relocate after the trial period.


If all of the above piqued your interest, we would love to hear from you! Send us your application 8th of September 2019 the latest - but the sooner, the better! Please attach your:
  • Cover letter
  • Why should we hire YOU?
  • CV
  • Portfolio (link and/or PDF)
  • Answers to preliminary questions (see below)

Send your application to!

Please note that we require all the attachments to consider you.

Preliminary questions

Please provide a document answering the following questions:
  1. When is the earliest you could start working?
  2. Tell us about the daily work you did on your last finished game project.
  3. Name two games you think have high quality 3D art. Explain why.
  4. Imagine you are in charge of the 3D art pipeline for a new sci-fi game. Name the top 3 things you think need to be included.

If you are not living in Sweden, please also answer the following:
  • Do you have the ability to invoice?
  • What kind of hardware do you have?
  • What kind of internet connection do you have?

Wonder how we hire? Read our blog on How we hire at Frictional Games.
What kind of application are we looking for? Read our blog on Writing the best application for a Frictional Games job.

Privacy Policy

By sending us your application, you give us permission to store your personal information and attachments.

We store all applications in a secure system. The applications are stored for two years, after which they are deleted. If you want your your information removed earlier, please contact us through our Contact form. Read more in our Privacy Policy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Download Hunting Simulator For PS4

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  • Experience the thrill of hunting with a campaign mode of 111 missions.
  • Track 37 species each with realistic animal behaviours. Big and small game, predators, waterfowl…
  • Explore 12 vast regions in Europe and North America and adapt to the elements with dynamic weather and day / night cycle.
  • Choose from among 17 different firearms (rifles, bows and crossbows) and close to 50 essential accessories.
  • Improve your shooting skills on the shooting range and track all sorts of prey in Free Hunt.
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"It's time to put the disc in. It's time to turn stuff on. It's time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet CD-ROM!" Jim Henson's Muppets are back in Muppets Inside: The Muppet CD-ROM, developed by Starwave Corporation and published by Jim Henson Interactive in 1996. It's a well-put-together collection of mini-games and classic clips that's impossible to do anything but cheer you up.
Read more »